PSI Madagascar Appreciation

We are so fortunate to have a great collaboration a nd support with PSI Madagascar, Antsirabe Office!

Thank you for supporting, educating, and empowering! Once a week, PSI staff and volunteers come the the Mahereza Nutrition and Health Center to offer trainings, discussions, and resources to our mothers and fathers in the program!

""To help reduce unwanted pregnancies, abortion, maternal mortality and infant mortality in Madagascar, PSI/Madagascar has implemented a program offering a wider range of high-quality modern contraceptive methods and services.


Products include Pilplan-branded oral contraceptives, Confiance-branded three-month injectables, and generic implants and intra-uterine devices (IUDs). Pilplan and Confiance are accessible through community health workers and pharmacies as well as through drug shops. The insertion of long-term methods is a service available through private providers. Since 2006, PSI/Madagascar has worked closely with the Ministry of Health and NGO partners such as Marie Stopes International and local NGO SALFA, to promote IUD and implant use. Selected Top Réseau providers received training in insertion of one or both of these methods. In 2008, PSI/Madagascar also received a multi-million dollar grant from a private foundation for the promotion of these methods. From 2008 to 2016, PSI/Madagascar distributed more than 184,212 IUDs and 36,747 implants." -

Charlotte Steppling